How to Change Domain Name on Wix?

How to Change Domain Name on Wix?

The domain name of your Wix website is the address that people will enter into their browsers to access your website. The URL is an important part of branding, but sometimes it can be hard for you to make a URL rank or get to like a domain. At some point, you might consider changing the URL to another.

There are several scenarios where this might be a good option. For instance, you might have had a free domain name from your Wix account and now want to use a custom domain name for better ranking and performance on Google. Or you might have changed branding, bought a business and want to merge them or for another reason.

Here are the instructions that you need to follow to make a change to your website’s domain name on Wix.

Key Takeaways
Allow time for DNS propagation (up to 48 hours).
Verify ownership of your domain through email confirmation.
Consider informing your audience about the domain change.

Step 1 – Log in

The first thing that you must do is ensure that you’re logged into your Wix store. This can be done through the login page without your user credentials.

Step 2 – Ensure Subscription

Now you need to ensure that you have a subscription that allows you to have a custom domain. All plans apart from the free plan allow you to have a custom domain. So if you’re paying for your Wix hosting, you will have the right plan.

Step 3 – Add New Domain

Now you need to add a new domain to your account. This is one of the hardest tasks because there are three options, each with different ways to do it. The first is to use Wix and buy a domain through them for your website. The second is connecting a domain to Wix from another domain seller or broker. The final option is to transfer the domain from another provider to Wix.

Ensure that you choose the option that is right for your brand. You don’t want to be using the wrong option and lose control over your domain.

Step 4 – Domains

Now you need to go to the ‘Domains’ option that is located within the Wix account. This can be found in the left-hand menu. Click on the option to access the actions you can take in this section.

Step 5 - Assign

Now you can assign the domain you would like to the correct website. Be sure that you have the right website selected. If you’ve got more than one website, you might need to buy another plan to get the domain attached to your website.

Conclusion: How to Change Domain Name on Wix?

When it comes to marketing your website, a custom domain is always the best option. If you’ve been using a free URL from Wix before, you should look to upgrade this at the earliest possibility. By upgrading, you can ensure better marketing, ranking and even traffic to your website. This can help you grow your business and improve your income.

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Yes, you can keep your email accounts when changing your domain name. However, you may need to update your email settings to reflect the new domain name.

No, if you have a free Wix account, you cannot change the domain name of your site. You'll need to upgrade to a premium plan to connect a custom domain.

Yes, changing your domain name will not affect your site's blog posts. Your posts, comments, and settings will remain the same with the new domain.
